Friday, November 4, 2011

social-ethics network

social networking. these words are familiar to us right right now. i think all the people in the world have at least one account of social networking. facebook, twitter, myspace became our lifestyle. all the people can share about what they do, photos, videos, and searching for new friends through the social networking. but, we also have to be smart and consider about the ethics in social networking. below is the ethics of social networking :

1.It's ok to reject friend request : even though the person is our old friends, but if we're not too close with them and we don't really want to know about their updates, it's ok to reject it. That doesn't mean that if we're not friends in social networking, we're enemies in the real life, right?

2.Be more considerate about promo tagging : selling products in facebook is fine. but some people doesn't like about tagging pictures about the product. It will be better if we only tag the person that has potential to be our customer.

3.Sort your photos that go online : before we post our photos to social networking, it's better if we sort first the photos. right now there are so many porn sites that photos that they get from facebook. so protect ourself from those perverts.

4.Don't just believe everything you've googled : not everything that we get from google is right. because sometimes the information that we get is from the people's opinion, or from someone's blog. so be more careful.

5.Better not contribute to "silly" trending topic : there are so many trending topics in twitter that is "silly" and not important. if there's someone's tweeting the "silly" topics, it's better if we not tweet or re-tweeting it.

6.SARA is a very sensitive subject : be more careful when we are tweeting about beliefs, religion. Because sometimes if we tweet about that, there will be person that will not like it. Be wise

7.Recheck your privacy settings : it's better if we concern about the privacy and security setting in our facebook account. sort the photos, what is okay to be seen by public, or it only can be seen by friends and family.

8.Share good info : It's okay to share personal info, but it will be better if we get useful information  and not many people know about it and we share it.

9.Use your real name and real picture : there are so many fake identity in social networking account. it will be better if use our real name and real picture. so we're honest to ourself and will not cause trouble with the other people because of our fake identity.

10.Just before you press the enter button, always consider about the post that we will upload. Think about our family, friends, future, and our image. If you think it's safe to be post, get it published to the world!

Hope some of the tips will be useful to u guys!

sources :
go girl magazine july 2011
and, based on my own experience

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